The world is home to a plethora of fascinating ancient ruins, from crumbling cities to temples that have withstood the test of time. Many of these ancient societies were incredibly innovative and forward-thinking. Just take a look at their meticulous city-planning and incredible feats of engineering; some of which we are yet to fully understand. Some of the most captivating ancient ruinsare full of thousand-year-old mysteries that will boggle even the most curious of minds.
Number 25. Ayutthaya. Founded around the year 1350, Ayutthaya isa historical city that began as a Khmer military and trading post. It wasn’t long before this thriving tradingport became the ancient capital of Thailand. It held onto this title for four centuriesuntil it was burned down by Burmese invaders. As many of the temples and relics of the citywere crafted from wood, the large majority were destroyed. Only around 50 stone relics and temples survivedthe fire and can still be seen today. Since renovations started in the 1970s, exploringAyutthaya’s mix of Siamese, Sri Lankan and Khmer architecture has become a popular daytrip from Bangkok.
Number 24. Stonehenge. Dotted along the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire,England, Stonehenge is easily one of the most recognized ancient ruins in the world. Dating back over 5,000 years, these curiousstone rings are some of the oldest stone structures on the planet. Created out of sandstone, they are ensconcedin mystery. Who built them and why is still largely unknown. Two popular theories maintain that Stonehengewas used as a site for religious rituals or otherwise to monitor the movements of thesun and moon. As you only need two hours to explore theruins of Stonehenge, a day trip from London is often combined with a visit to Windsoror Bath.
Number 23. Mesa Verde. Deep in the American Southwest, you’ll findMesa Verde National Park with its fascinating collection of 600 ancient clifftop dwellings. The most famous of these dwellings is theCliff Palace, built into an enormous sandstone alcove that’s protected it from the elementsfor over seven centuries. It’s the largest of its kind in North Americaand unlike the rest of the dwellings that contained just a few rooms for residentialpurposes, the palace had over 150 rooms and 23 sacred kivas. Having been lived in for close to a century,these unusual cliff-side villages were suddenly abandoned in the 13th-century.
Number 22. Sigiriya. Sigiriya is an ancient fortress carved intoa 200 meter vertical rock face in Sri Lanka. On top of what is now known as Lion Rock arethe fascinating remains of an ancient civilization, thought to be the capital of the kingdom ofKassapa. In its heyday, it included a citadel, a mirrorwall with stunning colorful frescoes, and a gateway in the shape of a lion. After the king passed, the capital was abandonedand it was used as a Buddhist monastery. While the climb to the top of Sigiriya iscertainly not for the faint-hearted, the views of the ramparts, terraced gardens and caveshrines will be worth the effort.
Number 21. Masada. The ancient fortress of Masada is possiblyone of the most impressive ruins on the planet. Perched on a cliff top overlooking the JudaeanDesert and the Dead Sea in Israel, the site is hauntingly beautiful. Dating back over thousands of years, it wasbuilt as the palace of King Herod. It had modern creature comforts such as abathhouse and even private swimming pools. More famously, the enormous fortificationsaw the last stand of the Jewish Revolt who chose death over a life of Roman slavery. Two pathways lead to the top and while gruelingin the beating sun, the views are worth it!
Number 20. Hampi. The second-largest medieval city after Beijing,Hampi was one of the wealthiest in India. Once the thriving epicenter of the KarnataEmpire with temples and imperial palaces, now only crumbling ruins remain. Founded in the 14th-century by two princes,the former capital began as a simple riverside religious center. Highlights include the temple that servedas the royal family’s personal place of worship, the House of Victory, the VitthalaTemple with its stone chariot and musical pillars, and the main temple with its carvingsof strange-looking sea creatures.
Number 19. Pompeii. The eerie ruins of Pompeii can be found nearthe Italian city of Naples. When the iconic Mount Vesuvius erupted in79 AD, it destroyed the Roman city in waves of lava and took the lives of over 2,000 residentsalong with it. The ancient city first discovered by accidentbeneath the volcanic rock in the 1950s is remarkably well preserved. However, it wasn’t until two decades laterthat it was properly excavated. You can walk down the streets of these ancientRoman ruins and imagine the town as it was in its heyday. There are the remains of stone houses, temples,bakeries, and even a brothel.
Number 18. Tulum. An hours’ drive from Cancun, the Tulum ruinsare the remains of an ancient cliff top fortress built by the Mayans. Walled on three sides with the fourth opento the Caribbean Sea, the views are simply incredible. Even though it dates back to 564 AD, Tulumwas at its prime during the 13th and 14th centuries. It was a powerful trading hub for jade, cotton,and cacao beans. Apart from the El Castillo pyramid, the mainattraction, have a look at the beautiful mural inside the Temple of the Frescoes and go fora swim at Tulum’s secret beach, surrounded by palm trees and sunbathing iguanas.
Number 17. Ephesus. One of the most impressive Greek and Romanruins on Earth, the ancient city of Ephesus can be found in western Turkey. Dating back over 2,000 years, it was oncehome to the famous Temple of Artemis. But what makes these ruins stand out is justhow immersive they are. Unlike many other protected archaeologicalsites, you can touch, stand on and walk through every part of the city. Highlights include a series of ancient publictoilets, the Library of Celsus and Hadrian’s Temple. It is also home to the 25,000-seater GreatTheater of Ephesus, the largest outdoor theater in the ancient world.
Number 16. Ellora Caves. The Ellora Caves are made up of a series ofcaves, monasteries and temples carved into the side of a basalt cliff. Out of 100 caves, only 34 are open to thepublic. Located in Maharashtra, India, Ellora datesback to 600 AD and took Buddhist, Hindu and Jain monks over five centuries to craft. The highlight of the Ellora Caves is the KailasaTemple. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, it is the largestmonolithic sculpture in the world. Other worthy sights include the large preachingBuddha in the Carpenter’s Cave, so-called because of the rock’s resemblance to polishedwood.
Number 15. Terracotta Army. The Terracotta Warriors are an impressivecollection of thousands of life-sized soldiers and horses. Located in Xi’an, China, there are around600 underground pits dating back to the 3rd-century BC. They were discovered by accident in the 1970swhen locals were digging for a well point. While many remain unexcavated, three of thesepits are open to the public and are enclosed within the Museum of the Terracotta Army. Apart from their sheer volume, what’s interestingabout these clay soldiers is that every single face is unique. They were hand-carved with individual featuresand took around 40 years of craftsmanship in total.
Number 14. Chichen Itza. One of the most famous archaeological siteson Earth, Chichen Itza was once a thriving city on the Yucatan Peninsula. Built by the Mayans in 600 AD, it was abandonedin 1221 when Mayapan became the region’s new capital. Highlights include the Temple of Kukulkan,a giant stone pyramid with four stairways representing a compass and 365 steps for eachday of the year. It is best visited during the spring or fallequinox when the sun creates a light show on the stairs of the pyramid. Other must-see sites include the Ball Court,the Wall of Skulls, and the Sacred Cenote that was once a site of human sacrifice.
Number 13. Acropolis. From its perch above the city of Athens, theAcropolis topped by the Parthenon can be seen from any corner of the city. First built and inhabited by Pericles in the5th-century BC, the Acropolis was eventually transformed into a city of temples. These ancient structures were crafted outof bronze and marble, and some were even gold plated. Restorations are still ongoing so don’tbe surprised to find scaffolding still in place. Many of the original artefacts were relocatedto the Acropolis Museum so this is worth a visit while you’re here.
Number 12. Bagan. The ancient city of Bagan is a captivatingtemple town in Myanmar. Once the capital of a powerful kingdom duringthe 11th and 13th centuries, it had over 10,000 temples, monasteries, shrines, pagodas, andstupas in its zenith. In the years since, these sacred sites havefallen into ruin as a result of Mongol invasions, neglect and natural disasters. Just 2,000 temple ruins remain and are scatteredover the horizon. While you can explore the Archaeological Zoneon foot, the sheer volume of temples is best appreciated from the air. A hot air balloon ride over Bagan is a worthyaddition to the bucket list!
Number 11. Tikal. With its grey temple-tops protruding throughthe lush canopy of the Guatemalan jungle, catching a glimpse of the ruins of Tikal issomething truly special. A popular day trip from Flores, these remoteruins are dotted with pyramids, temples and palaces. One of the biggest archaeological sites inMesoamerica, Tikal was the largest and most powerful of the Mayan cities around 600 AD. Don’t miss the Temple of the Two HeadedSnake while you’re here. As one of the tallest pre-Columbian structuresin the Western Hemisphere, climbing to the top will treat you to incredible 360-degreeviews of the rainforest and beyond.
Number 10. Karnak. The Karnak Temple complex in Luxor, Egypt,is impressive due to its sheer size. Covering an area that’s larger than mostancient cities, it’s dotted with temples, obelisks, and shrines. It took over 2,000 years to build and eachEgyptian pharaoh left their own architectural mark. Walk through the Avenue of Sphinxes and discoverthe Great Hypostyle Hall. This enormous room filled with towering pylonsand solid sandstone columns is one of the most famous and photographed attractions ofAncient Egypt. While you’re here, stop to admire the SacredLake and the nearby granite scarab.
Number 9. Borobudur. Crafted out of an impressive two million blocksof volcanic stone, Borobudur in Indonesia is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. Dating back to the 9th-century, it eventuallyfell into ruin until it was discovered again in the 1800s. Since then, it has been restored to its formerglory and is particularly popular at sunrise. The Borobudur monument consists of six squareplatforms topped by three circular platforms. A pathway of enlightenment leads from thebase of the pyramid up through the three levels of Buddhist cosmology, the world of forms,and the world of formlessness. It’s decorated with over 2,000 reliefs and500 Buddha statues, each one outlining a Buddhist teaching.
Number 8. Teotihuacan. Located on the outskirts of modern-day MexicoCity, Teotihuacan is one of the most famous Aztec archaeological sites. But the Aztecs didn’t actually build it. Despite many theories, nobody is really surewho did. However, the Aztecs did name it and make ittheir own when they stumbled across the abandoned city. In its prime, it was the largest city in theWestern Hemisphere and home to a plethora of residential compounds and pyramids. Today, its two iconic pyramids, the Templeof the Sun and the Temple of the Moon, are the major highlights. Stroll along the Avenue of the Dead and visitthe Citadel and the Temple of the Feathered Serpent.
Number 7. Moai Statues. With the tallest weighing in over 80 tonnes,the Moai Statues on Easter Island in Polynesia are iconic. In fact, you’ll probably recognize themfrom a picture even if you hadn’t heard of them. These 800-plus statues, most of which faceaway from the sea, were carved from volcanic ash by the Rapa Nui people somewhere between400 and 1500 AD. Likely created using rudimentary basalt stonepicks, each of these enormous monolithic statues would have taken close to a year to complete. There are many theories as to why they werebuilt, including as a way to honor important clan ancestors and because of a believe itwould improve the soil.
Number 6. Colosseum. One of the most iconic Roman ruins, the Colosseumwas an ancient gladiator arena. Unveiled in 80 AD, the 50,000-seater amphitheaterwas used for staging various events. These included animal fights and blood-thirstygladiator battles where contestants would fight to the death. The architecture of the Colosseum is impressiveeven by today’s standards. The outer walls are made up of three levelsof archways topped with Ionic, Doric and Corinthian columns. In its hey-day, they were decorated with marblestatues. The top level once supported an enormous awningthat sheltered spectators from the elements.
Number 5. Great Wall of China. Spreading through 15 Chinese provinces andautonomous regions, the Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure in the world. It is made up of a series of separate sectionsof walls and moats that were built over the course of six Chinese dynasties as a defensefrom invaders. Now well over 2,000 years old, some partsof the wall have fallen into ruin. Interestingly, for those who wanted to attemptit, walking the entire length of the Great Wall of China would take approximately 18months.
Number 4. Petra. The Rose City of Petra is an ancient deserttown that was carved out of pink sandstone cliffs by nomads thousands of years ago. Located in Jordan, tucked between the RedSea and the Dead Sea, it’s hard to believe the city was once filled with green gardens,palatial houses, and bustling markets. Instead, a walk or camel ride through theruins of Petra will reveal abandoned caves, temples, and tombs hidden within the citywalls. The two-story Treasury carved into the rockface is one of the most beautiful landmarks in the old city. It’s worth viewing for the facade alonebut the interior with its Indiana-Jonesy royal tomb is worth a look.
Number 3. Machu Picchu. A huge tick off the travel bucket list, MachuPicchu is one of the most famous cities of the ancient Incan Empire. This historical fortress lies hidden in themountains of Peru. So well hidden in fact that it was never foundby Spanish invaders when they arrived in the 1500s. They were only accidentally discover in 1911by an American explorer called Bingham. A wonder of advanced engineering, it’s estimatedthat 60% of the construction was built underground, mainly for fortification and drainage. Today, these walled ruins can only be reachedby foot or by train. Don’t miss the Machu Picchu Museum for aninsider’s look into the Lost City of the Incas.
Number 2. Angkor. Once the capital of the Khmer Empire betweenthe 9th and 15th centuries, Angkor was a thriving ancient metropolis. Today, the city is most famous for its HinduAngkor Wat Temple that claims the title as the largest religious shrine on Earth. It’s famously visited at sunrise when thelighting over the temples is simply magical. But the Angkor Archaeological Park actuallyincludes many more fascinating landmarks aside from Angkor Wat. Over 1,000 temples lie scattered throughoutthe forest, rice fields and farmlands. Highlights include the jungle-clad Tomb RaiderTemple with trees growing out of it’s ruins and the 12th-century Bayon Temple that marksthe historical center of the ancient city of Angkor Thom.
Number 1. Giza. One of the most mysterious ancient sites onEarth, the Pyramids of Giza in Cairo are truly fascinating. Created as enormous tombs for the pharaohsof Ancient Egypt in the Fourth Dynasty, there’s plenty of speculation as to how they werebuilt. With such precise and immaculate detail, they’reyet another remarkable feat of ancient Egyptian engineering. They were used as burial chambers and werelittered with treasure for the Pharaoh to use in the afterlife – something that attractedmany a grave robber over the years. Don’t forget to get a kissing photo withthe Sphinx – it’s pretty much mandatory.